Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I don't get to "take my DVR with me" when I move. Bummer.

I have slightly disturbing news.

If I wanted to ruin my life a little more, I would probably love Twitter, but that makes me sad.

You know why?

I think in status updates. Seriously, in my pea-little brain, throughout the day, I have thoughts that I would love to "share with the world," and they are simply strange little statements about my life and the world around me.

The same question must be asked though. Who decided that "the world" needed to know all of my thoughts? And, conversely, when did I stop wanting to express myself in paragraphs and start wanting to express myself in quips and sentences? No time for an's a little tidbit, world! I don't "have time" to talk to my friends, but I can let them know about the funny moment I had at Speedway! It is a strange transition of my brain, but I am amazed that I can actually dictate how technology has changed my way of thinking. Does that blow anyone else's mind?

So, here are a few of my status updates:
(I can't actually make them my statuses because I am selling Chicken Pox. I also don't want to be one of those people who changes status updates every forty minutes, even though I have a new thought all of the time.)

1. They ran out of Cherry Coke at Speedway. I tried regular Coke and cherry syrup. Not even close.

2. The colors of the leaves against the leaden hue of the sky nearly made me cry this afternoon. Absolutely breathtaking.

3. Every year I wait until the day before Halloween to get my costume together. Maybe this is why my costume is always lame.

4. The mouse in Mrs. Morrow's office was so stinking adorable. Why can't I have the same attitude toward the mouse that has possibly made its home in my apartment?

5. I get the keys to my new house tomorrow. MY house. So surreal.

6. I had a dream about the senior issue of the Focus. Does that mean I am demented?

7. I miss Alie.

8. I don't like candy corn. Never have. Never will.


risiblepeople said...

huh. i figured things like status updates and twitter would delight you. i mean, imagine a whole generation of hyper-witty, concise, and pithy computer geeks with unnatural levels of self worth walking around. imagine how fun that would be!

bleh. twitter is fantastic for real comedians, though.

Fanny said...

I second number 7!

Jessie said...

1. I also think in status updates sometimes...ok...a lot. I know it's unhealthy, but I'm kind of amused by it.

2. I also hate candy corn. Like, a lot.

lollipopfactory said...

your cereal killer costume at the turn of the millenium was awesome!