Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Did you know I have issues?

I remember when I first went to college and had email for the first time. Life was grand. I would get these surveys in the mail, and we would all fill them out. I would do them instead of studying, and Bekah and I even made one once and pretended it was real. (Secrets revealed.) Well, at some point I realized that I whenever I got one of these surveys, I HAD to fill it out. I couldn't help it. It was like a requirement. I didn't know why. I still don't, but I got this in the mail today, and I thought...I haven't filled one out in a while--here's to requirements. :)

1. What time did you get up this morning? 5:25am--Oh yeah.

2. Diamonds or pearls? Umm...silver?

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? 27 Dresses

4. What is your favorite TV show? Lost, The Office, Project Runway, Survivor, House...

5. What do you usually have for breakfast? If I eat it, it is most likely some kind of breakfast bar, but I can hardly get to school on time, so breakfast isn't usually an option.

6. What is your middle name? Ashley

7. What food do you dislike? Trout, liver, beef jerky

8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I don't really listen to music very much anymore. So, at the moment isn't really relevant.

9. What kind of car do you drive? 1991 Oldsmobile. YES! Antwon.

10. Favorite sandwich? Either chicken salad or a ham and cheese submarino from Fazoli's

11. What characteristic do you despise? Apathy

12. Favorite item of clothing? Either my IU sweatshirt or my green scrubbs

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Colorado. England. (AND Uganda. Call me brain dead. Or maybe my heart has moved...buried it.)

14. Favorite brand of clothing? Umm...do I get brands? Macy's or Target, I guess.

15. Where would you retire to? Indianapolis...I haven't looked that far into the future. I could see myself spending time on a beach or in the mountains, but right now, I like it here.

16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? I think all of my birthdays are memorable, but I think my favorite one in recent memory was when Adri planned the evening and we went to the Artcraft for the first time and saw Goonies.

17. Favorite sport to watch? Colts football. Live? IU basketball in Assembly Hall

18. Furthest place you are sending this? Uhhh...one foot in front of your face, I presume.

19. Person you expect to send it back first? My guesses for that sent it to me, so I am going to say no one.

21. When is your birthday? September 16

22. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night, absolutely.

23. What is your shoe size? 10

24. Pets? Someday...unless my future husband (obviously, he exists) is allergic or something. If not, I will have a Siberian Huskie.

25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? We are one step (or fourteen depending on how you look at it) away from putting together a Walk-a-Thon for Invisible Children that stretches 9.5 miles from Perry to the Circle. Permit pending!

26. What did you want to be when you were little? A teacher. There was a brief moment when I wanted to be an astronomer, but that was before I realized that astronomers had more to do with math than just getting to look at the stars for a living.

27. How are you today? Tired.

28. What is your favorite candy? Sour Patch Straws and Take Fives

29. What is your favorite flower? Why is this such a tough question? I love flowers, but I don't really like carnations. There.

30. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Hmm...July 23rd--FINISHED WITH GRAD SCHOOL (if I get it all finished). April 12--Hopeful day of the Walk-a-Thon. March something or other--Purity Retreat.

32. What is your full name? I like how this question is #32. Did the writer of this survey think I would have forgotten by now? Or maybe it is for your benefit. Reader: Hmm...I have been reading for so long, I don't know who wrote this. AHH! #32 helped me out!" Jacquelyn Ashley Sheehan

33. What are you listening to right now? The sound of QVC playing in the living room (my mama and Nana LOVE that stuff) and the tapping of the keyboard

34. What was the last thing you ate? Sherbet for dessert

35. Do you wish on stars? Nah.

36. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Midnight blue

37. How is the weather right now? Stormy but calmer than it was thirty minutes ago

38. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Dana

39. Favorite soft drink? Oh, the glories of Cherry Coke

40. Favorite restaurant? This too is difficult for me. Umm...Max and Erma's, Texas Roadhouse, Qdoba, and Ivanhoes

41. Hair color? Dark blonde with light highlights

42. What was your favorite toy as a child? Cabbage Patch Dolls or Barbies or Skip-It

43. Summer or winter? Depends...summer for the most part, but I would really rather Spring and Fall over both.

44. Hugs or kisses? Hugs, I guess.

45. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla

46. Coffee or tea? Coffee products? Coffee. Green Tea? Tea.

47. Do you want your friends to email you back? What kind of question is this? No, I LOVE it when I email people and they leave me hanging. LOVE IT.

48. When was the last time you cried? Last night...emotional TV moment. (I am ridiculous.)

49. What is under your bed? I am guessing a lot of dust and my sleeping bag. Oh wait, my sleeping bag is usually under my bed, but right now, it is in my car. So, dust and one of my duffel bags.

50. What did you do last night? HAHAHAHA. I watched a lot of Lost.

51. What are you afraid of? Not being needed or useful or respected or understood...and yes, not being wanted.

52. Salty or sweet? Both? Salty

53. How many keys on your key ring? 5

54. How many years at your current job? This is my SIXTH year. Woh.

55. Favorite day of the week? The answer to this question used to be Thursday, without a doubt, but I will say Saturday now.

56. How many towns have you lived in? Olympia, Sewickley, Indianapolis, Bloomington, Morris Fork (temporary homestead...)--4.5

57. Do you make friends easily? I make acquaintances easily. Friends take time.

58. How many people will you send this too? Anyone who reads it?

59. How many will respond? Probably no one.

What happened to questions 20 and 31?

I am adding a few because I am curious.

60. Movie--Dead Poet's Society (among a hundred others)
61. Book--To Kill a Mockingbird
62. Unexpected surprise: I have a lot of these. I think my favorite right now would have to be Dana ending up as part of our group of friends or Sarah and Drew's Christmas present to me.

Top 5 Moments of your Life
63-67. (This will be another blog. I don't have any brain power left.)

There, I am finished.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Others really don't matter.

The Sixth Sense
Harry Potter.
The Superbowl.

What do these things have in common? They are, among thousands of other addictions I have had in my life, the focus of a truth I just realized. I should have known it sooner, but it honestly just dawned on me.

I like stories.

I am not just talking about those that people tell. I am simply stating a fact that I like the idea of story. Yes, I love books. I love movies. I love television. I love talking with people. I love reading the newspaper, especially the Features. (Depending on the newspaper, of course.) I love a good story. I think that it is a God-given love; maybe in some ways, we all yearn to be connected, to tell our tale, to share in the lore of others. Maybe because we are a part of God's great story, we desire stories too.

I also have a slightly addictive personality.

I am not talking about drugs and alcohol here, but I am not sure if my addictions aren't just as dangerous. You see, I like stories so much that sometimes, I immerse myself completely within them. I get intrigued. I get sidetracked. I tell others about the story that has captured me. What captures me? The human conflict. The quest for answers. A mystery to figure out. Brilliance. Passion.

And so, I frantically planned my schedule around Thursday night television during college because I had discovered this intrigue of excitement and psychology: strangers put together in a remote area to live and compete. People laughed; I found it incredibly interesting. And so, I watch a thousand movies and always try to figure out what is going to happen. I speak my thoughts out loud so that people know I figured it out. How annoying, eh? And when a movie actually surprises me? Well, everyone must watch it for its brilliance. I start reading a book series that leaves the reader hanging on just what turn will come next. I spend time discussing its twists and trying to get in front of the mind that created a story that changed the world, in the old-fashioned kind of way: words. Or, I glue myself to the pages of ESPN reading countless articles about the men behind the team. Hoping that we have put our collective spirit behind people worth admiring. Finally, I give in once again to something I knew I wouldn't be able to escape. I sit in amazement for hours on end trying to figure out the story of the people who have created such a story.

And, that brings me to today.

You see, I started watching Lost this past summer, after a few years of ignoring all the people who told me I would love it. I know myself, I said. I will get addicted. I know I will love it. But, I gave in. Just like I did with Survivor. And with Harry Potter. I guess I really don't know myself all that well to assume that I will be able to withstand the intrigue of one more great story. I crammed two seasons in last summer, and I held off on the third. Two weeks ago, I started that. Moments ago, I finished episode 16. As the show came to a close, I was utterly AMAZED again at how brilliant it is. Personally, I think it is one of the most interesting stories ever told.

But when I took out the DVD, knowing I didn't have any more to watch today, something hit me like a ton of bricks.

Every season of Survivor (and every other show) ends; in some ways, they all end up looking the same.
JK Rowling has closed the book on Harry.
Movies aren't as special when you don't allow yourself to be surprised.
The glory of the Superbowl fades, and the next year, you might not make it back.
And, when all is said and done, there will be nothing left to figure out about the island and The Others.

These things that I invest my mind and heart into are only temporary. Do they deserve the attention they receive? I can say they don't really matter to me, but they certainly have gotten a lot of my time and energy and excitement and thoughts.

Those stories, the ones that are created by man, always come to an end, and eventually, we wait for another one to come along and carry us through more twists and turns and self-ignited excitement. There is nothing wrong with entertainment. Creativity is a gift from God. But, I don't think He wants me to push Him aside to get to everything else so easily. All those fake stories...everything else...ends.

My story continues though. So does yours.
Maybe the Author of Life would rather me give more of my heart to the Greatest Story of All.

Sadly, it is easier said than done.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

So, since it is the day of a wedding, it is only appropriate that I throw out my "normal" post about marriage/change/love/etc. I am not sad today, so that should make you feel better from the start.

The girls went and saw 27 Dresses last night. We were in a packed theater...women of all ages and maybe five men, who were obviously forced to come by said women. No offense, guys, but it doesn't get any more Chick Flick than this, even if it is funny. We thought we would be a little cliche ourselves, as proven by the fact that we went and saw a movie all about weddings the night before Amanda and Nick tie the knot. Awww. How cute.

It was, though.

But, that's not what I want to write about, actually. On my way home and once I got home, I started thinking about this movie. I went into it fully expecting it to be cheesy, predictable, and ridiculous. I was pleasantly surprised at the humor. The reaction by people in the theater was so stinkin' hilarious though. Girls squealing in delight. A grown woman reacting by saying "I LOVE HIM," while slapping the thigh of her friend. Clapping. (That was me.) Aww's and gasps and "Oh, my goodness, he is hot." (That was me too...and MANY OTHERS.) We had a stereotypical reaction to a stereotypical movie, and when all was said and done, I am sure most in the theater walked out talking about how cute the movie was...and funny.

Have movies like this ruined our perception of love?

I know people that have the real thing. There are butterflies, and there are mistakes. There are moments where a guy does the right thing and makes everyone melt, and there are moments of pain. The REAL thing, love, that is, is so much better than the movies, but it isn't so easy. It is commitment, trust, truth, and serving. It is from God. Yet, I wonder how many of us spend our time hoping for the surface type of love that we clap for in the movies. We keep waiting for the beautiful guy to come in and miraculously fall in love with our charm. We keep waiting for him to say the right thing, as if he were working from a script. We wait for the flowers, the duet in the bar, the feeling to be just right, the good girl to win...always. We wait. for. fiction. to. become. reality. Even if we don't admit it, we do it.

Poor guys.
Poor girls.

The storybook ending rarely happens. Neither does the beginning.
Sex has consequences. HUGE consequences. (And, I am not talking about babies or STDs alone.)
People don't always choose what is right.
Guys' eyes are rarely that blue.
Sometimes, there is no knight and shining armor who even cares.

We are made to love. Tis true.
But, maybe our definition of what love is shouldn't come from Hollywood.

It is a dangerous place to invest your dreams.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ummm...the Pain Tree needs to die.

So, I feel like my posts have gotten increasingly whiny, decreasingly funny, and far less thought-provoking. I want to say something real, rather than just moan and groan. I want to observe and write, but I find myself just sitting and staring and moping.

Shouldn't I have something important to say?
Before I launch into another "wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh" post, I will just send my apologies to my three faithful readers for being so Pain Tree-esque. Of my three faithful readers, maybe only one of you knows what I am talking about, but the metaphor works.

My voice shall rise again.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dying to Run

When things are tough, do you ever wonder if they are actually tough or if you are just a wimp? Do you ever wonder if you just feel badly for yourself? What if you think you are deserving of something you are not? Considering the fact that we really deserve nothing, aren't all hard times a mere reflection of our selfishness? We are uncomfortable; therefore, we are unhappy.

That might be the truth. It might be the root.
But, it doesn't make the hard times any easier.
It just makes me want to run away even more.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Grin again gang...

When people ask me a question, I always find it hard to decide whether I should just "give them what they want," which means saying niceties that they don't really have to respond to, or telling them the truth. Today, I tried out the truth, and it was really funny.

Kind Student or Teacher: How was your break?

Me: Terrible.

KSoT: Strange facial expression without words to respond.

Me: I thought I would go honest.

KSoT: (Relieved that I broke the tension and made a joke) Oh okay. Sorry.

You see, most of time, don't we just expect people to say "fine" or "good," no matter what the break was like? We can then respond in like when they ask us back and move on our merry way. I find a hard time not telling the truth. But, I also don't like making people feel uncomfortable. It was a tough call. I went for honest, and you know what?

It made me laugh.

Today, no matter how terrible the last few weeks have been, was a great day.