Monday, July 19, 2010

Someday, you will be loved.

So, letter #2 is supposed to be written to "my crush." Hmph. This could be funny.

Dear ____________________,

I don't have a crush, so you are a blank name. I don't meet many new people, don't have time to get all giddy over people anymore, don't really desire anything meaningless in my life. However, I would like to write a letter to the man I will marry. (I am fully aware of the fact that I probably won't get married, and this very well might change upon meeting someone I would actually like to marry, but this is fun, guys.)

Dear ______________________,

I am already planning the job I will have when I retire from teaching.

I tell you this because there are some things you need to know about me, and the first thing you need to know is that I will love you in the best possible way I can. The second thing is that in order for me to be able to do that, you will have to be okay with me having other passions besides you. I hope you are thankful for that. I don't want you to stand in my shadow; I want you to do the same. I hope our passions coincide, but they do not have to do so in every regard. You must love kids. You don't have to be a teacher. You must love learning. You don't have to have multiple degrees to show it. You must love service. You don't have to love Uganda. You must love parties, but you don't have to plan them. You must love beauty and art, but you don't have to take the pictures or be in the shows. You must love reading and writing, but you don't have to be a published author.

You are going to have to listen to my stories, even when you don't know the faces of the kids I tell you about. You are going to have to deal with me in April and May, when no one should have to be around me. I might even make you grade some papers. You are going to have to go to prom with me, but I promise I won't make you stay the whole time.

(Wow, this letter is actually difficult to write, especially without pre-planning.)

You are probably going to feel uncomfortable the first time you meet my friends, especially if it is with the large group. We have a lot of history together, and people have told us from time to time that we are a tough group to crack. Just ask questions. I will get you ready for them. And, you will love them too. (Or else we won't really work, so that's a deal-breaker.) And you will enjoy playing board games and corn hole and going to Holiday World. You will love outdoor movies at the IMA and cook-outs and dressing up for Halloween. You will love the Artcraft Theater and A Christmas Story and NBC Thursday nights. I can't wait until you are part of the shared history of us too.

And you will care for my mom like she's your mom (because you obviously really care for your mom). And you will give piggy back rides to our nieces and nephews and cheer for them when we travel to see sporting events. And you will love Tara's design sense and Greg's knowledge of business and sports. And you will appreciate my dad's understanding of history and his interesting array of Christmas gifts.

And you will challenge me. And you won't let me settle. And you won't let me slide by. And you will tell me when I'm wrong....and when I'm right. And you will hold my hand in unexpected moments. And you will help me love people better. You will teach me about cars and lawn care and money. Or we will at least teach each other. And it would be really awesome if you could be a self-taught carpenter or handyman. That would be SWEET. :) You will be intelligent and competitive, and maybe we can exercise together by playing games and doing fun things. You might even take ballroom dance lessons with me. I'm not pushing my luck, though.

And, most of all, you will love Jesus a lot. Not in a superficial way, but in a real...tough...messy kind of way. And, you will seek to love me as Jesus loves us, and you will be the head of our household because that's how it is supposed to be. You will appreciate my strength, though, and we will learn what it means to follow Jesus together. We will pray and worship and serve and love together. Even when it is difficult.

I can't wait to meet you.
(Well, let's be honest. On many days, I don't really think I want to meet you, but whatevs.)

Hmmm...I think I have rambled enough, even though I've only scratched the surface. I am sure my expectations are ridiculous, but why not set my sights high? Marriage will be hard enough. I might as well hope for someone amazing.

Love always,

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